Home Remedies for Eye Infections: 6 Methods

Saturate a cotton ball with the cooled rose water and dab under eyes to reduce dark circles and refresh the skin. The good news is that experts say eye puffiness is not necessarily a result of lack of sleep, but that your daily habits do play a role. The bad news is that eye bags are partly related to aging, and genetics may bear a lot of the blame. A cool compress can help relieve eye inflammation and soothe irritated skin. Place a damp, cool washcloth over eyes for 20 to 30 minutes at a time for relief.

puffy eyes home remedy treatment

Don't leave it untreated it can be very serious or can be very long. Sometimes the only solution is surgeryor operation. It brings rapidness of the blood circulation around your eyes. It took extra chemicals and harmful bacteria with it in return. Strawberry is a beautiful fruit and it contains alpha-hydroxy acid that helps to smooth the skin.

Eyelid surgery

Retinoids increase collagen, a protein that works to keep your skin tight and avoid wrinkles. Melanin is natural pigmentation which may increase dark spots on your skin. This site provides content for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended for use as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of a medical concern or emergency, please consult your healthcare provider.

puffy eyes home remedy treatment

When the body is dehydrated, it acts much like a camel, storing water for the long haul across the desert. Instead of a camel's hump, you'll develop water reserves around the eyeballs. By keeping yourself adequately hydrated, the body isn't put into survival mode and won't puff up in all the wrong places. Certain liquids, such as caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, can also impede proper hydration. Both caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics and can suppress the body’s antidiuretic hormones. These liquids should be avoided when possible to prevent dehydration and fluid retention.

Frozen spoons

Dehydration can cause inflammation around your eyes. Honey is an integral ingredient which is used in a lot of home remedies including treatment og acne. If you use it regularly and check your acne scars before and after then you are likely to see significant difference. If you wish to mask your under-eye circles, try using makeup. Smoking can aggravate the problem of bags under your eyes. Wash your face thoroughly in the morning to reduce overnight puffiness.

puffy eyes home remedy treatment

I’m very fair skinned so I don’t notice any white powdery look to it. I was getting ready for work this morning and my grandson was there. It is making such a difference in the dark circles. I don’t wear makeup to work so any help I can get in the baggage department I am appreciative of. In just a few days, the puffiness has gone down and the purple circles have started to lighten.

Home Remedy Treatments for Puffy Eyes

Thus, make sure your head is slightly elevated above your body to prevent this from happening. You may achieve this by resting your head on two pillows stacked together instead of just one. Place the gooey sides of the leaf under both eyes and leave it on for at least 10 minutes. Egg whites are rich in proteins that get absorbed into the skin and boost the production of collagen.

puffy eyes home remedy treatment

This is a great massage to do before jumping out of bed. Whip up 1 or 2 egg whites until stiff, and apply with a brush or soft cloth underneath your eyes. The skin will feel tighter and look less like puff pastry. If you think your puffy eyes might be a result of not getting enough sleep, you might want to review some Home Remedies for Insomnia.

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Medication can relieve allergy symptoms, like swelling under the eyes. It may help to add an extra pillow or prop up the head of your mattress. Or elevate the entire head of the bed a few inches.

Avoid sharing eye makeup or makeup brushes with others. Again, more peer-reviewed research is necessary to determine the benefits. Wash your towels and pillow cases daily when you have an eye infection, like conjunctivitis. Use hot water and detergent to kill any remaining bacteria. In addition, the American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests using a warm compress to soothe the symptoms of pink eye. More than 70 percent of sodium found in American diets comes from processed or restaurant foods.

From the Home Remedies Sink

Lie down, close your eyes, and place a tea bag over each eye; then cover with a soft cloth. During hot months, put the cooked tea bags in the refrigerator and apply to eyes when needed for a refreshing, eye-opening experience. Puffy eyes are a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of sleep, allergies, and excess fluid retention. While there are many store-bought treatments available, there are also several simple home remedies that can help to reduce the appearance of puffiness.

Are your eyes so swollen when you come home from work that your significant other thinks you spent the day at the pub instead? Swollen, red eyes can make life miserable, not to mention cause others to misinterpret your lifestyle. A little insight, however, can help determine the cause of marshmallow eyes, and the home remedies outlined in this article make them very simple to treat. Several fast-acting at-home remedies are available to reduce the appearance of puffy eyes. The speed and effectiveness of these remedies will depend on the underlying cause and severity of your puffy eyes. Common allergens that affect the eyes include dust, air pollutants, animal dander and pollen.


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